RhythmBeatz - A new Discord bot for listening to music and moderating your server.
NEW FEATURE: Anti-raid features is now available in RhythmBeatz!
Now we would be talking nonsense about this product, but we really wanted to be honest with you so here is what the bot can do:
- Helps you moderating your server easier.
- Automatically ban alts that the bot detect as suspicious.
- Automatically detect raids and make it stop as fast as possible
- Connect to YouTube so it can stream music in a VC channel (obviously)
- More features coming soon (Because my mind isn't really creative)
Commands and Usage
For Music
-play (insertyoutubelinkhere)
-queue (page)
-np OR -nowplaying
-remove (numbers)
For Moderating
For Anti-raid: You do not need to configure or use this feature.
It might take up to 48 hours to verify that your server is an actual server and not a placebo.